Supper Lovin'

5714835251_4d504eeec3_bTo celebrate the fact that it’s Friday and, more importantly, that Supper Lovin’ is now listed as a recommended food blog on WordPress (Woop woop!!!), I thought I’d share a recipe for one of my favourite alcoholic beverages: the almighty Whisky Sour. Created from the eighteenth-century practice of adding lime juice to rum to prevent the development of scurvy aboard ships, this delicious cocktail is rich in vitamin C and has become a popular choice for celebrations all year round. Traditionally made with bourbon, lemon or lime juice, cocktail bitters and sugar, this sweet and sour delight is refreshing as it is scrumptious and it certainly packs a mighty punch in terms of booziness, making it a perfect treat for any special occasion.

All you need to do now is find yourself a drinking companion and a party to attend and you’ll be well on your way to having a fun-filled weekend. Now, where did I put my glass?

Whisky Sour with Maraschino…

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